Immunization is not just for kids. The vaccines you need may depend on your age, health condition, occupation, travel habits, environment, and lifestyle. Sometimes a booster is needed to stay protected. Not all vaccines are “publicly funded”, meaning it is covered if you have an Ontario Health Card. Talk to your healthcare provider. Doses may vary depending on the vaccine and your medical history.

Young Adult

For young adults up to 27 years of age, consider the following:

Planning a Pregnancy

Hepatitis B vaccine

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine

MMR – measles, mumps, rubella (live vaccine*)

Varicella – chickenpox (live vaccine*)

*As a general rule, live vaccines should not be given during pregnancy. Women should not try for pregnancy for four weeks after receiving a live vaccine.

During Pregnancy

Influenza vaccine (TIV)

Tdap – tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis vaccine

Pregnant women at higher risk of infections due to occupation or travel should consider additional vaccines such as hepatitis A, polio.

*As a general rule, live vaccines should not be given during pregnancy.

50 Years +

For adults 50 years and over:

65 Years +

For adults 65 years and over; and persons with specific medical conditions:


For healthcare providers; child care providers and military personnel, consider the following:

Medical / Lifestyle

For persons with chronic medical conditions or weakened immune systems, talk with your healthcare provider. Vaccines needed may depend on your health history and age:


For travellers, please visit a travel health clinic at least 4 weeks before your travel date. Vaccines needed depends on the purpose of travel, length of travel and destinations. Most vaccines required for travel are not publicly funded.